The Revenue Generation Unit was born out of the recognition that there are limited resources to address the Gauteng’s economic agenda, hence the need to crowd-in resources from national, provincial and local government, SMME support organizations, commercial banks, international donor organizations and private sector. GEP is also responsible to assist with the mobilization of non-financial support to SMME’s and Co-Ops. These are achieved by partnering with organisations that are in a position to provide Enterprise Supplier Development and access to markets.
The strategy and implementation plan are premised on forging partnerships with all potential funders, which will result in GEP disbursing the partner funding or at best contracting fund management entities to manage funds on behalf of GEP and ensure repayment targets are met in-order to guarantee the sustainability of the fund. A third-party fund policy has been developed to ensure timeous and professional financial support to SMMEs with GEP focusing on the developmental agenda for high growth SMMEs that will graduate into the mainstream of the economy. In some instances, a facility is agreed upon with the funding partner and GEP plays a project preparation role in order to present bankable projects to funders.
The International Relations Programme supports other GEP activities that require due diligence for potential TMR high impact projects requiring funding and support as per the recommendation and/or resolution by the Business Development Committee (BDC) or the Credit Committee of the Board (CCB). The purpose of this programme is as follows:
- To secure International funding through the International Donor Community
- To provide access to markets for SMMEs as per the TER strategy
- To benchmark against International competitors
Intergovernmental Relations (IGR Programme plays an integral part in ensuring that relationships between the three spheres of government and its entities are maintained and can create the necessary platforms for collaborative efforts in ensuring that the TMR strategy is successfully implemented. Intergovernmental Relations will therefore provide a gateway for any discussions that may arise in regards to the delivery of any service to the public.