
The project was launched on 28 June 2016 in Eldorado Park.

The accelerated youth placement and absorption plan has been developed to unpack the project objectives, deliverables, and planed monitoring and reporting plan.

Given that there is a perpetual shortage of employment opportunities for youth in Gauteng, SMME development will continue to play an important role in equipping people to become self- employed, and create alternative job opportunities.

It is on this basis that GEP has taken a stance to create simple job opportunities that require less technical skills, with a clear exit plan that includes a combination of job opportunities, as well and entrepreneurship. The plan is to create 3, 500 jobs annually (10 500 jobs in 3 years).

GEP will be piloting this programme in Q1, where 100 Youth in and around Eldorado Park will participate. The pilot programme currently has 58 youth who are undergoing skills training and the remainder of the beneficiaries will be recruited by mid-May. It is anticipated that in Q4, the 100 will be placed with industry, and others established into SMME’s and Cooperatives.

The programme has been designed based on 5 phases, namely:
– Recruitment of unemployed youth by Township: The recruitment will be done in consultation with all community structures. Ultimately, each of the 105 townships in Gauteng will be visited during the recruitment phase.
– Skills assessment: All unemployed youth will be eligible for job opportunities
– Township scanning: Each township will be scanned, and all its businesses plotted on GiS. The scan will include specific social issues (in Eldorado Park, drugs and prostitution are prevalent), micro and big businesses, government departments in the area, and government services.
– Skills Matching, Training and Development: Self – explanatory. Skills will be matched against job opportunities as informed by the scanning report. Training will be developed based on skills gap.
– Exit plan: The exit plan includes job placement, and establishment of beneficiaries into SMME’s and Cooperatives following the skills match, training and development stage.